Greenwood Features

Valentine's Gay Film Fest - A night that can't be topped

Valentie's Gay Film Fest

Join us on Saturday, February 10th for three films, door prizes, and more! Brought to you by Bethel Pride and Out Film CT

Doors open at 6:00 for mingling and drinks (cash bar). From 6:30-7:00 enjoy two short films - 

SIX DAY FIANCÉE (12 min) - Imagine you have just six days to pull off your own wedding, from the moment it first becomes an idea until the vows and rings are exchanged. And if you fail, you'll be separated forever. What are you waiting for? Get started!

JELLY BEAN (14 min) - Reyzl is a queer woman who is earnestly seeking romance on dating apps that she can not hack. Lacking any strategy to vet a perfect match, Reyzl decides to date whoever the algorithms choose. Catastrophe ensues when Reyzl's first online date turns out to be an appalling disappointment. When an unexpected opportunity for intimacy presents itself a second time, will Reyzl have the courage to open herself up and grasp it?

BOTTOMS (91 min) - After they accidentally injure their high school’s star quarterback Jeff by hitting him with a car, transforming them from awkward outcasts to overnight celebrities, best friends PJ and Josie concoct an elaborate lie about having spent time in a juvenile correction facility over the summer, and with their equally-awkward friend Hazel and teacher Mr G, they start a self-defense club for women in an attempt to lose their virginities to Brittany and Isabel, their cheerleader crushes.

From 7:00-7:30 grab another snack or drink, mingle, and get ready for the 7:30 viewing of Bottoms.

All films are R rated, under 17 not admitted. 

A $20 ticket includes access to 3 films and entry into door prize raffles. Have a pal you'd like to bring? Snag 2 tickets for $30! 

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